Recent Consulting Clients
Cypress County: preparation of Irvine Area Structure Plan
Private Sector Developer: assistance with successful subdivision appeal to Municipal Government Board; subsequent management of subdivision endorsement process
Town of Canmore: project management for a Land Use Bylaw update
Village of Ferintosh: preparation of a Strategic Plan, an Economic Development Options and Strategies report, and a Land Use Planning Suggestions report involving comprehensive community engagement (workshops and surveys)
Innovative Projects
Led the team effort that developed and implemented a more sustainable and money-saving municipal solid waste management system with a unique composting component
Served as municipal project manager for a $13 million hamlet water system that won provincial and national engineering awards
Key member of the intergovernmental committee that created conditions to develop the Rocky Mountain Legacy Trail between Banff and Canmore
Developed with council and a landowner the first adopted Transfer of Development Credits program in Alberta, including the MDP, ASP and LUB components
Municipal representative on G-8 Conference recognition team that identified the location for, and organized construction of, the wildlife underpass at Dead Man’s Flats
Served on Bow Corridor Ecosystem Advisory Group team that developed ground-breaking guidelines for wildlife habitat and corridor identification and protection
Supervised the effort that resulted in the first portion of the Trans-Canada Trail system in Alberta to be constructed and designated
Prepared detailed economic overview and forecast for the Yellowhead Planning Region
Undertook state-of-the-art socioeconomic analyses and cost benefit studies for several large oil and gas related projects
Community Planning
Prepared statutory planning documents including municipal development plans, area structure plans and area redevelopment plans
Updated land use bylaws and crafted numerous unique amendments
Prepared off-site levy bylaws to recover infrastructure costs from developers
Taught planning to students in various university planning and MBA courses, to visiting professional planners from Zimbabwe and China, and at several conferences
Expert witness in annexation hearings and Municipal Government Board hearings, and participant in Energy Resources Conservation Board hearing
Strategic Planning
Lead initiative to develop the strategic plan for a mid-sized town using inclusive methodology, resulting in vision statement, values identification, goals, strategic initiatives and multi-faceted implementation process
Participated as a leader in several strategic planning initiatives for rural municipality
Conducted project-based strategic planning processes for land development and other projects
Project Management
Tendered construction contracts, selected contractors, monitored workmanship, tracked budgets and undertook acceptance inspections for water, sewage, road and recreational trail construction projects
Developed and managed municipally owned land (industrial park and residential lots)
Public Participation/Liaison
Experienced with numerous public participation methodologies including workshops, round-table discussions, open houses, formal public hearings, surveys and newsletters
Assigned as liaison to provincial and federal governments on numerous land use, transportation, fire and other joint initiatives
Selected to represent municipality in several inter-jurisdictional initiatives (e.g., Bow Corridor Ecosystem Advisory Group and Calgary Regional Partnership)
Emergency Management
Designated and trained as Emergency Public Information Officer
Director of Emergency Management
ICS 100 and ICS 200 training
Historic Resources and Culture
Lead municipality’s heritage resources survey, inventory and management plan projects
Initiated and helped collect oral history for a community